Logical Тherapy Тrainings
Developing positive attitude, awareness, ability to enjoy each and every moment of life.
- Getting rid of negativity, accumulated over a lifetime
Repeatedly to go back to the situation that caused negative emotion and, without thinking, just feel it, get rid of feelings of the past. Important not to get bogged down thinking (why he said or did so, and what I could have done differently, etc.). We are working only with feelings. It operates on the principle of a horror movie. For the first time looks scary, but the hundredth - already not.
Using breathing techniques from rebirthing, kriya yoga.
- Changing attitude to all events that cause negative emotions
The technique is based on Adler Institute's model "Efrat" (in Hebrew), which stands for: Event - Interpretation - Emotion - Reaction.
Events themselves are neutral. We give them a particular interpretation , creating "good-bad"scale. Then, according to this interpretation, comes a feeling . Thus, the change in the interpretation of events leads to a change of feeling.
During the training you will be able to look at your problems reflected in others (looking at each other). Which is far more efficient, than reading books and listening to lectures.
Specifically, we'll talk about how to deal with pressure at work, how to be calm and enjoy manager-subordinate relationship and so on.